We mere mortals are not perfect physically, or in any other way. A combination of the environment and thegenes passed down to us from our parents determines whether we are healthy orsick, weak or strong, intelligent or mentally challenged. In times past, if a person suffered from adisabling or chronic disease, this meant bad news for his or her offspring -the probability that they too, would suffer the same fate.
Ask your San Antonio Nutritionist how to turn off the gene
Today modern medical technology,in the form of genetic testing, has eliminated the misery of waiting, wonderingand hoping that serious illness and/or death will not strike us, even if it didbefall a close relative. The risky genesthat render some people prone to certain diseases can be identified via fourdifferent blood tests, called Genomic Profiles. What’s more, the information on how to modify the environments of thosewho have inherited the genes is available so that illness can be avoided. Changes in environment, diet and lifestylecan actually turn off the gene, thereby circumventing the road todisease.
Several genes affect the basicphysiology of individuals who suffer from chronic diseases, such ashypertension, fibromyalgia and osteoporosis. The Osteo Genomic Profile, which identifies six genes that influencebone density, is the Genomic test most often performed.
Why test for bone density? Because one out of every three women islosing bone density. Adding to theproblem is the fact that the standard drug prescribed for increasing bonedensity – Fosamax – works effectively on only one out of six women who takeit.
Another test commonly performedis the Cardio Genomic Profile, which identifies genetic risks for cholesterolimbalance, hypertension and cardiovascular disease in twelve differentgenes. One genetic variation that frequentlycauses health problems is the methylationvariation, which arrests the body’s ability to break down sulfur, resulting inexcessive, foul smelling gas in the digestive tract. It is also associated with spontaneousabortion, cervical cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, colon cancerand stroke. B2, B6 and B12, folic acidand betaine can be added to the diet to turn offthis genevariation. Another example, one of therisky genes for hypertension, can be kept from triggering disease if theindividual drinks a glass of red wine each evening.
Yet a third genetic test is theImmuno Genomic Profile, used to identify asthma, arthritis and allergies andpatients who suffer from fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivities canundergo the Detoxi Genomic Profile.
The four Genomic Profiles, whichare available to the public at affordable rates, can provide insight into ourpersonal health risks and how to avoid health problems, changing the course ofour medical treatment.