Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on the height and weight of adult men and women. It is determined by using a simple mathematical equation, BMI = weight / height2 x 703. For example, the BMI of a person who is 5’8″ tall and weighs 160 pounds is 24.33%. You get that number by dividing the weight, 160 pounds, by the height2 (68 x 68), 4624, and multiplying it all by 703. Mathematically it looks like this, 160/4624 x 703 = 24.33%.

Now that I have that number, what does it tell me?

Normal          = 19 to 24.9%

Overweight    = 25 to 29.9%

Obesity I       = 30 to 34.9%

Obesity II      = 35 to 39.9%

Obesity III     = 40% or greater

If your BMI is high, this correlates with an increased risk of developing one of the following problems:

  1. Hypertension
  2. Cardiovascular disease
  3. Diabetes/metabolic syndrome
  4. Hypertriglyceridemia
  5. Sleep apnea
  6. Infertility

This BMI formula cannot be used on competitive athletes, bodybuilders, children, pregnant women, or sedentary senior citizens.

Body Impedance Analysis (BIA) is quite different from BMI. BIA Is used to calculate your basal metabolic rate, by looking at three different body compartments.

  1. Fat mass
  2. Extracellular mass, composed of bone tissue and extracellular water
  3. Body cell mass, composed of intracellular water and metabolic tissues.

These figures give the doctor insight into the bodies toxicity (intra vs extra cellular water), phase angle (is the body building up or breaking down) and cellular capacitance (how electrical one is – how alive one is). Overall, BIA is a much more accurate predictor of overall health than the BMI.

BIA is a simple, painless procedure that can be performed right here in our officeIf you are looking for a San Antonio nutritionist who can help, call 210-490-9169, today for an appointment!