Nutritionist in San Antonio and nationwide have begun efforts toeducate people on reducing the risks of diabetes and introducing triggers thatcause diabetes. Understanding the common causes of diabetes could save yourlife.
Type I diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes. Only10%, or approximately 3,000,000 of known diabetics are type I. The Mayo Cliniclists the symptoms as follows:
Increasedthirst and frequency of urination.
Weight loss,fatigue and irritability.
Tachycardia(rapid heartbeat).
Reducedblood pressure, less than 90/60 mmHg.
As with both types of diabetes, this disease can shorten one’slife by 15 years. This makes it imperative to understand some of the triggers,including:
A Nutritionist Talks About Some of The Triggers of Diabetes
First, milk. Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, Bill GothardChristian Medical Training Institute taught that milk was the primary source oftype I diabetes. Dr. McDougall’sresearch stated that milk triggers an autoimmune response, that causesantibodies to milk to attack the beta cells of the pancreas that produceinsulin. The book, The Answer is inYour Blood Type, by Steve Weissberg, M.D., explains that blood type O’s areat a higher risk for type I diabetes. Blood type O babies and children that are colicky, bedwetters, or havechronic ear aches are at significant risk. For the record, cows milk is meant for calves! Not humans!
Vaccines are known to cause type I diabetes also. This is through a process known as molecularmimicry. The culprits seem to be Hib,MMR and Hep B, based on research by Dr. Stephanie Canes, M.D. Did you know that in 2000, the AmericanDiabetes Association met here in San Antonio, Texas and researchers from Italypresented a paper on the Hep B vaccine increasing the risk of type I diabetesby 34% to children receiving this vaccine.
Lastly, patients with Hashimoto’s disease are at high risk ofdeveloping type I diabetes. When theantibodies that attack the thyroid finished destroying it, they then proceed toattack the pancreatic beta cells. Thisis why it is so important to know that your hyper/hypothyroidism is anautoimmune disease.
Yes, there can be a genetic correlation, HLA DR 3 or DR 4 can beturned on, to cause type I diabetes. But, what turns this on? Food allergies, vaccines?
San Antonio Nutritionist suggests eating a balanced healthy dietto avoid triggers of Diabetes. Nutritionist also recommend monitoring low blood pressure to catchearly symptoms.